“The Shelf Chronicles”

Shadowbend Studios’ “The Shelf Chronicles”

The Shelf Chronicles

This week – The POWERPUFF GIRLS!!!

Powerpuff Girls

Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice…. The PowerPuff Girls!!  Defending Shadowbend Studios since 2005! 🙂

Flashback Fridays!


Old Time Radio Shows

I am a huge fan of the OTR or Old Time Radio genre.  I can remember listening to shows as a kid on late night journeys back from visiting relatives.  My dad would tune the car radio to a station that played shows such as “Suspense” and “Inner Sanctum”.

I now find that these shows are a perfect accompaniment to my daily routine here at Shadowbend Studios.  I listen to AM 1710 Antioch on the iTunes radio station feed.  They play a wonderful selection of shows including crime dramas, family comedies, science fiction and suspense shows.

As a new feature on my blog and my Facebook page.  I’ll be posting links to some of my favorite shows, which you can listen to online or download them.  The first of these shows is one of my absolute favorites:  “Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police”.  A terrific example of a late 1930’s adventure serial (the type that inspired “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”!).

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do 🙂

Speed Gibson – Episode #1

Shadowbend Studios’ Client Showcase

Shadowbend Studios Weekly Client Showcase…

Web Design Development Client Showcase


I have a client who is part of a group of interior designers in San Ramon.  She approached me with the idea of putting together a website for her non-profit organization helping the homeless of Contra Costa County.  She is an incredibly caring individual and I was more than happy to help her launch this service.

From the website home page –
Our mission is to serve the homeless and hungry in our community. 7 days a week we are bringing lunches to the homeless in Hillcrest Park, the Concord Homeless Shelter, Detroit Avenue Crisis Center, and the various tucked in places where they are hanging out. Each Sunday we are also bringing hot food to the marina in Martinez. There are usually 50 to 60 we serve food to out there. Every week we are serving or delivering at least 360 meals.”

Please take a moment to visit the website and pledge a donation.


We are always asking as we are serving if there are other needs that we may be able to help with . From sleeping bags to jackets gloves, socks, tarps. As this ministry grows there are many places that we feel God is leading us to help. With prayerful direction we will use the resources given to us to continue to feed and serve..

We are not trying to enable them.. just to keep them alive until the Miracle happens !

Monday Morning Marketing

“Your Morning Cup Of Marketing Know-How”

Online Web Marketing

7 Tips for Improving Your Online Marketing Writing

1. Write with a single person in mind.

The more you can picture your perfect client in your mind’s eye, and write something that appeals directly to him or her, the easier it’s going to be to create a one-on-one marketing effect (which, of course, should be your goal).

2. Say what you mean, as clearly as possible.

Where a lot of business people trip up is trying to think like professional writers, when they should simply communicate clearly. When in doubt, use a simpler word instead of a more complex one. Aiming too high with your language doesn’t always make you look smarter; it can just as easily come across as jargon. Or worse, it may sound like you are talking down.

3. Support your key statements.

If you are making a claim that flies in the face of common sense, or accepted wisdom, try to back it up with something credible. Often, a statistic or case study will do. However, if those aren’t available, a personal anecdote or testimonial from a customer can be helpful. There is a fine line between being unconventional and being out of touch, so support your strongest statements in the best ways possible.

4. Always end your writing on a strong point.

Every marketing communication you put together (with the possible exception of short tweets and personal notes, of course) should end with a definite conclusion, a call to action, or both. If at all possible, invite the reader to take the next step, or share an opinion. I practice this rule in every communication I write, from emails to staff or clients, to closing out my twice-weekly blog articles. Simple truth: if you don’t ask for a response, it’s less likely you’ll get one.

5. Write once and edit twice.

A lot of what people consider “writer’s block” is just a lack of momentum. For your first draft, just keep putting words together and trust you’ll find the ones you need. After you have a complete draft, edit twice. The first time for structure and organization; and the second time to eliminate anything that isn’t needed to help tell your story or make your point.

6. Read the document out loud before you send it.

Most simple typos, grammatical errors, and structural problems that people struggle with can be fixed by simply reading the draft out loud. Take your time and don’t rush over the words. You’ll find that as much as 90% of the most common writing issues can be taken care of this way.

7. Never send or publish something you’ll have to take back later.

We live in a world where a single ill-advised email, blog post, or social media comment can lead to big problems. So, before you publish something to the Internet, or send it to any of your contacts (or especially, to all of them), think carefully about whether it’s an idea you really want to express, or a thought you may want to keep to yourself.

source: socialmediatoday.com