Flashback Fridays
Shadowbend Studios’ Flashback Fridays

Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police – Episode 6
Speed Gibson, his Uncle Clint Barlow ace operator of the international secret police and Barney Dunlap also of the police are flying to Hong Kong China via the Hong Kong Clipper to end the smuggling activities of the worlds most dreaded criminal, the Octopus…..
Flashback Fridays
Shadowbend Studios’ Flashback Fridays!

Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police – Episode 5
Speed, Clint and Barney send a cablegram in code to Chief Reilly at headquarters stating that a jewel smuggler was also on the clipper bound for Hong Kong…..
Flashback Fridays
Shadowbend Studios’ Flashback Fridays

This week… the continuing adventures of “Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police”. Where are Speed, Barney and Clint off to this week? Click the link below to find out!