Let me start by saying I am a photoshop zealot. I love the program, can’t live without it. Wonderful piece of software.

Having said that, I was browsing around in the Adobe Stock Photo browser the other day looking for photos to use on a website project I am currently working on. I realized after looking through the licensing and pricing areas that the pricing is set up only for larger (minimum of 1 meg) files. Now this is useful for most print projects, however those file sizes are far too large for web use.

Having done some more digging and finding nothing to cater to smaller file sized purchases, I decided to contact my guru of all things Adobe… Mark Barnes.

Mark’s answer was uncharacteristicly short… “Nope, Adobe does not have anything in place for purchasing smaller file sized photos”… “However…” it was then I knew he was going to save me once again. He then mentioned iStockphotos. Let me just say that this site is wonderful! Not only is the interface excellent for browsing photos, their photo quality is excellent and their library is huge! But the best part is their pricing!

$1 for web ready photos

$3 for print ready photos

$5 for full page photos

$10 for full page bleed photos

$20/$40 for double page spread photos

Excellent! A real find that benefits both the designer and client in keeping costs down. I highly recommend a visit to iStockphotos.

